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Int 21 Fn F2  u - Novell Netware V3.01+ Shell Interface - Multiplexor      [N]

   AH = F2h
   AL = function (see below)
   CX = length of request buffer in bytes
   DX = length of reply buffer in bytes
   DS:SI -> request buffer (contents vary by function)
   ES:DI -> reply buffer (contents vary by function)

Return: AL = status
   reply buffer filled as appropriate for function

Note:  this is a multiplexor providing a "raw" interface to the underlying
     NetWare Core Protocol.  Many functions which were accessed via a
     separate AH function in older versions can also be accessed here,
     but some NetWare 3.x calls appear to be available only here.

See Also: AX=F244h

Values for NetWare Core Protocol functions:
01h    File Set Lock
02h    File Release Lock
03h    Log File (see AH=EBh"NetWare")
04h    Lock File Set (see AH=CBh"NetWare")
05h    Release File (see AH=CCh,AH=ECh"NetWare")
06h    Release File Set (see AH=CDh"NetWare")
07h    Clear File (see AH=CEh,AH=EDh"NetWare")
08h    Clear File Set (see AH=CFh"NetWare")
09h    Log Logical Record (see AH=D0h"NetWare")
0Ah    Lock Logical Record Set (see AH=D1h"NetWare")
0Bh    Clear Logical Record (see AH=D4h"NetWare")
0Ch    Release Logical Record (see AH=D2h"NetWare")
0Dh    Release Logical Record Set (see AH=D3h"NetWare")
0Eh    Clear Logical Record Set (see AH=D5h"NetWare")
0Fh    Allocate Resource (see AH=D8h"NetWare")
10h    Deallocate Resource (see AH=D9h"NetWare")
11h/0Ah    Get Printer Queue
11h/xxh    print spooling (see AX=E0xxh"NetWare")
12h    Get Volume Info with Number (see AH=DAh"NetWare")
13h    Get Station Number (see AH=???h"NetWare")
14h    Get File Server Date and Time (see AH=E7h"NetWare")
15h/xxh    broadcast services (see AX=E1xxh"NetWare")
16h/0Fh    Rename Directory
16h/1Bh    Scan Salvagable Files
16h/1Ch    Recover Salvagable File
16h/1Dh    Purge Salvagable File
16h/1Eh    Scan Dir Entry
16h/1Fh    Get Dir ENtry
16h/20h    Scan Volume for Restrictions
16h/21h    Add User Disk Space Restriction (see AX=F216h/SF=21h)
16h/22h    Clear Volume Restrictions
16h/23h    Scan Dir Restrictions
16h/24h    Set Directory Disk Space Restriction (see AX=F216h/SF=24h)
16h/25h    Set Entry
16h/26h    Scan File or Directory For Extended Trustees (see AX=F216h/SF=26h)
16h/27h    Add Extended Trustee to Directory or File (see AX=F216h/SF=27h)
16h/28h    Scan File Physical
16h/29h    Get Object Disk Restrictions (see AX=F216h/SF=29h)
16h/2Ah    Get Effective Rights
16h/2Bh    Delete Trustee
16h/2Ch    Get Volume Usage
16h/2Dh    Get Dir Info
16h/2Eh    Move Entry
16h/2Fh    Fill Name Space Buffer
16h/30h    Get Name Space Entry
16h/31h    Open Data Stream
16h/32h    Get Object Effective Rights
16h/33h    Get Extended Volume Info
16h/F3h    Map Directory Number to Path
16h/xxh file/directory services (see AX=E2xxh"NetWare")
17h/17h    Get Encryption Key
17h/18h    Login Object Encrypted
17h/1Ch    Get Connection Information (see AX=F217h/SF=1Ch)
17h/1Fh    Get Connection List from Object
17h/48h    Get Bindery Object Access Level
17h/49h    Is Station a Manager?
17h/4Ah    Verify Bindery Object Password Encrypted
17h/4Bh    Change Bindery Object Password Encrypted
17h/4Ch    Get Relation of an Object
17h/D2h Clear Connection Number (Logout Station) (see AX=F217h/SF=D2h)
17h/EBh    Get Connection's Open Files (see AX=F217h/SF=EBh)
17h/ECh    Get Connections Using a File (see AX=F217h/SF=ECh)
17h/EEh    Get Physical Record Locks by File (see AX=F217h/SF=EEh)
17h/F2h Get Semaphore Information (see AX=F217h/SF=F2h)
17h/F3h Map Directory Number to Path (see AX=F217h/SF=F3h)
17h/F4h    Convert Path to Directory Entry (see AX=F217h/SF=F4h)
17h/xxh    connection control (see AX=E3xxh"NetWare")
18h    End of Job (see AH=D6h"NetWare")
19h    Logout (see AH=D7h"NetWare")
1Ah    Log Physical Record (see AH=BCh"NetWare")
1Bh    Lock Physical Record Set (see AH=C2h"NetWare")
1Ch    Release Physical Record (see AH=BDh"NetWare")
1Dh    Release Physical Record Set (see AH=C3h"NetWare")
1Eh    Clear Physical Record (see AH=BEh"NetWare")
1Fh    Clear Physical Record Set (see AH=C4h"NetWare")
20h/xxh    semaphore services (see AX=C5xxh"NetWare")
21h    Negotiate Buffer
22h/00h    TTS Is Available (see AX=C702h"NetWare")
22h/01h    TTS Begin Transaction (see AX=C700h"NetWare")
22h/02h    TTS End Transaction (see AX=C701h"NetWare")
22h/03h    TTS Abort Transaction (see AX=C703h"NetWare")
22h/04h    TTS Transaction Status (see AX=C704h"NetWare")
22h/05h    TTS Get Application Thresholds (see AX=C705h"NetWare")
22h/06h    TTS Set Application Thresholds (see AX=C706h"NetWare")
22h/07h    TTS Get Workstation Thresholds (see AX=C707h"NetWare")
22h/08h    TTS Set Workstation Thresholds (see AX=C708h"NetWare")
22h/09h    TTS Get Control Flags
22h/0Ah    TTS Set Control Flags
23h/01h    AFP Create Directory
23h/02h    AFP Create File
23h/03h    AFP Delete
23h/04h    AFP Get Entry ID From Name
23h/05h    AFP Get FIle Infomration
23h/06h    AFP Get Entry ID From NetWare Handle
23h/07h    AFP Rename
23h/08h    AFP Open File Fork
23h/09h    AFP Set File Information
23h/0Ah    AFP Scan File Information
23h/0Bh    AFP Alloc Temporary Dir Handle
23h/0Ch    AFP Get Entry ID From Path Name
3Dh    Commit File
3Eh    File Search Initialize (FindFirst)
3Fh    File Search Continue (FindNext)
40h    Search File
42h    File Close
43h    File Create
44h    Erase Files
45h    File Rename
46h    Set File Attributes
47h    Get File Size
48h    File Read
49h    File Write
4Ah    File Server Copy (see AH=F3h"NetWare")
4Bh    Set File Time and Date
4Ch    File Open
4Dh    Create New File
4Eh    Allow Task Access to File
4Fh    Set Extended File Attributes (see AH=B6h"NetWare")
55h    Get File Bit Map
57h/03h    Scan NS Entry Info
57h/06h    Get NS Entry Info (see AX=F257h/SF=06h)
57h/07h    Set NS Entry DOS Info
57h/0Ch    Allocate Temp NS Dir Handle
57h/13h    Read NS Info
57h/16h    Get Directory Base
57h/17h    Get NS Info
57h/19h    Write NS Info
57h/1Ah    Read Extended NS Info
57h/1Bh    Write Extended NS Infor
57h/1Ch    Get NS Path
58h/01h    Get Volume Audit Statistics
58h/02h    Add Audit Property
58h/03h    Login as Volume Auditor
58h/04h Change Auditor Password
58h/05h Check Audit Access
58h/06h    Remove Audit Property
58h/07h    Disable Auditing on Volume
58h/08h    Enable Auditing on Volume
58h/09h    Is User Audited?
58h/0Ah    Read Auditing Bit Map
58h/0Bh    Read Audit Config Header
58h/0Dh    Logout as Volume Auditor
58h/0Eh    Reset Auditing File
58h/0Fh    Reset Audit History File
58h/10h    Write Auditing Bit Map
58h/11h    Write Audit Config Header
58h/13h    Get Auditing Flags
58h/14h    Close Old Auditing File
58h/15h    Delete Old Auditing File
58h/16h    Check Audit Level Two Access
5Ah/01h    Get DM Info
61h    Negotiate LIP Buffer
65h    Packet Burst Connection
7Bh/01h    Get Cache Information
7Bh/02h    Get File Server Information
7Bh/03h    Get NetWare File Systems Information
7Bh/04h    Get User Information
7Bh/05h    Get Packet Burst Information
7Bh/06h    Get IPX/SPX Information
7Bh/07h    Get Garbage Collection Information
7Bh/08h    Get CPU Information
7Bh/09h    Get Volume Switch Information
7Bh/0Ah    Get NLM Loaded List
7Bh/0Bh    Get NLM Information
7Bh/0Ch    Get Directory Cache Information
7Bh/0Dh    Get OS Version Information
7Bh/0Eh    Get Active Connection List by Type
7Bh/0Fh    Get NLM's Resource Tag List
7Bh/14h    Get Active LAN Board List
7Bh/15h    Get LAN Configuration Information
7Bh/16h    Get LAN Common Counters Information
7Bh/17h    Get LAN Custom Counters Information
7Bh/18h    Get LAN Config Strings
7Bh/19h    Get LSL Informatino
7Bh/1Ah    Get LSL Logical Board Statistics
7Bh/1Eh    Get Media Manager Object Information
7Bh/1Fh    Get Media Manager Object List
7Bh/20h    Get Media Manager Object Children List
7Bh/21h    Get Volume Segment List
7Bh/28h    Get Active Protocol Stacks
7Bh/29h    Get Protocol Stack Configuration Information
7Bh/2Ah    Get Protocol Stack Statistics Information
7Bh/2Bh    Get Protocol Stack Custom Information
7Bh/2Ch    Get Protocol Stack Numbers By Media Number
7Bh/2Dh    Get Protocol Stack Numbers By LAN Board Number
7Bh/2Eh    Get Media Name by Media Number
7Bh/2Fh    Get Loaded Media Number List
7Bh/32h    Get General Router and SAP Information
7Bh/33h    Get Network Router Information
7Bh/34h    Get Network Routers Information
7Bh/35h    Get Known Networks Information
7Bh/36h    Get Server Information
7Bh/38h    Get Known Servers Information
7Bh/3Ch    Get Server Set Commands Information
7Bh/3Dh    Get Server Set Categories

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson